首先参考这个网站提供的方法,https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/direct-update-to-macos-sierra-using-clover.201465/, 但是直接升级的方法在我的电脑上经过测试不成功, 最终选择了全新安装新系统。在新系统安装后,通过苹果系统提供的”Migration Assistant”来恢复Yosemite系统中用户数据。由于high Sierra不支持Office 2011,所以没有选择升级到high Sierra。另外为了防止在操作中,原有Yosemite系统数据丢失,新安装系统安装在外置USB硬盘上。待新系统安装完成之后,再把新系统复制到电脑内置硬盘中。



  1. 下载Sierra。 由于high Sierra已经推出,无法在app store直接下载Sierra的安装盘。可以下面的链接从app store里下载:



  1. 下载后制作安装盘,安装系统的安装过程参考网站教程:



  • 下载系统,教程中的方法不行,根据1中的链接下载sierra。
  • 制作安装盘。需要注意的是制作安装盘时候需要把usb闪盘格式化成gpt模式,不能是mbr模式,否则系统无法启动。另外需要用UniBeast-7.1.1这个版本来制作,其他版本不适合sierra。
  • BIOS设置可以忽略,原因是在安装Yosemite时候已经设置了电脑的BIOS,而且Sierra对BIOS的要求与Yosemite相同。
  • 按照上面网站的说明操作。
  • 在后续安装中,MultiBeast需要选择 Sierra Edition这个版本,其他版本不适合安装 MultiBeast会安装clover 版本r4173到EFI分区,另外安根据选项内容,MultiBeast会安装一些kexts驱动文件到系统/Library/Extension目录里。


  1. 安装后的后续问题。


  • 网卡问题可以在MultiBeast里选择kext驱动。MultiBeast 会把该程序拷贝到/Library/Extensions/目录中。重新启动电脑后,联网恢复正常







  • 显卡驱动kext可以拷贝到/EFI/Clover/kexts/Other目录下或者系统目录/Library/Extensions里
  • Clover只可以安装到版本r4243,更高版本无法启动,原因不明。
  • 安装soundflower,该软件可以驱动HDMI显示器的喇叭,并且调控音量。由于最新版本只提供驱动,没有应用程序用户界面,需要单独下载soundflowerbed用户界面软件。

Soundflower: https://github.com/mattingalls/Soundflower/releases/tag/2.0b2

Soundflowerbed: https://github.com/mLupine/SoundflowerBed/releases/tag/2.0.0-release


  • Clover经常会在刚开机或者重起电脑scan entries时候死机,需要make sure you have HFSPlus.efi in your EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI folder and not VBoxHFs-64.efi


  • MultiBeast在安装Clover时候会配置plist文件,用这个配置文件就可以正常启动Sierra系统,但是显卡可以比较Yosemite的配置文件稍微调整一下。同时把之前/Clover/ACPI/patched目录中所有内容复制到新的/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched目录里。


  1. 到此为止新系统Sierra已经在外接USB硬盘里安装完毕。外置USB硬盘是完整的Sierra系统, 内置硬盘是原有的Yosemite系统。下一步把该外置硬盘的系统复制到电脑内置硬盘里。
    • 启动Sierra,在外置硬盘上建立一个TimeMachine盘,做一个全备份。
    • 启动内置硬盘的Yosemite,用TimeMachine做一次最终备份。
    • 启动电脑内置硬盘里的恢复系统,链接外置硬盘,把硬盘上TimeMachine里的Sierra的全备份恢复到内置硬盘。并且把外置硬盘EFI分区所有内容复制到内置硬盘的EFI分区。可以事先把内置硬盘原有的EFI目录做一个备份bak。这样,内置硬盘系统更新为Sierra。
    • 启动内置硬盘里的Sierra,链接Yosemite的TimeMachine,利用Migration Assistant把用户和app恢复到Sierra系统中。切记不可一恢复除这两个之外的其他数据,比如系统设置,否则会导致系统无法启动。至此,新系统中所有原来 Yosemite的用户资料全部恢复完毕。
    • 现在外部硬盘已经完成使命,可以删除其中所有数据。不过可以根据3的方法,把Yosemite的系统恢复到外置硬盘里。这样就把两个系统做了调换,内置硬盘是Sierra系统,外置硬盘是Yosemite。
  2. 其他
    • 键盘布局 – 同是英国键盘布局,但苹果键盘布局和PC的布局不同,所以需要修改键盘布局为英国PC键盘布局。方法如下:

把从网上http://www.gingerbeardman.com/UK.keylayout/MacOSX.UK.keylayout.070426.zip下载的英国PC键盘布局文件拷贝到/Library/Keyboard Layouts目录下,然后在键盘选择中选择British-PC即可。

Over the last couple of days, there has been a lot of discussion about a pair of security vulnerabilities nicknamed Spectre and Meltdown. These affect all modern Intel processors, and (in the case of Spectre) many AMD processors and ARM cores. Spectre allows an attacker to bypass software checks to read data from arbitrary locations in the current address space; Meltdown allows an attacker to read data from arbitrary locations in the operating system kernel’s address space (which should normally be inaccessible to user programs).

Both vulnerabilities exploit performance features (caching and speculative execution) common to many modern processors to leak data via a so-called side-channel attack. Happily, the Raspberry Pi isn’t susceptible to these vulnerabilities, because of the particular ARM cores that we use.

To help us understand why, here’s a little primer on some concepts in modern processor design. We’ll illustrate these concepts using simple programs in Python syntax like this one:

t = a+b
u = c+d
v = e+f
w = v+g
x = h+i
y = j+k

While the processor in your computer doesn’t execute Python directly, the statements here are simple enough that they roughly correspond to a single machine instruction. We’re going to gloss over some details (notably pipelining and register renaming) which are very important to processor designers, but which aren’t necessary to understand how Spectre and Meltdown work.

For a comprehensive description of processor design, and other aspects of modern computer architecture, you can’t do better than Hennessy and Patterson’s classic Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.

What is a scalar processor?

The simplest sort of modern processor executes one instruction per cycle; we call this a scalar processor. Our example above will execute in six cycles on a scalar processor.

Examples of scalar processors include the Intel 486 and the ARM1176 core used in Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi Zero.

What is a superscalar processor?

The obvious way to make a scalar processor (or indeed any processor) run faster is to increase its clock speed. However, we soon reach limits of how fast the logic gates inside the processor can be made to run; processor designers therefore began to look for ways to do several things at once.

An in-order superscalar processor examines the incoming stream of instructions and tries to execute more than one at once, in one of several pipelines (pipes for short), subject to dependencies between the instructions. Dependencies are important: you might think that a two-way superscalar processor could just pair up (or dual-issue) the six instructions in our example like this:

t, u = a+b, c+d
v, w = e+f, v+g
x, y = h+i, j+k

But this doesn’t make sense: we have to compute v before we can compute w, so the third and fourth instructions can’t be executed at the same time. Our two-way superscalar processor won’t actually be able to find anything to pair with the third instruction, so our example will execute in four cycles:

t, u = a+b, c+d
v    = e+f                   # second pipe does nothing here
w, x = v+g, h+i
y    = j+k

Examples of superscalar processors include the Intel Pentium, and the ARM Cortex-A7 and Cortex-A53 cores used in Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 respectively. Raspberry Pi 3 has only a 33% higher clock speed than Raspberry Pi 2, but has roughly double the performance: the extra performance is partly a result of Cortex-A53’s ability to dual-issue a broader range of instructions than Cortex-A7.

What is an out-of-order processor?

Going back to our example, we can see that, although we have a dependency between v and w, we have other independent instructions later in the program that we could potentially have used to fill the empty pipe during the second cycle. An out-of-order superscalar processor has the ability to shuffle the order of incoming instructions (again subject to dependencies) in order to keep its pipes busy.

An out-of-order processor might effectively swap the definitions of w and x in our example like this:

t = a+b
u = c+d
v = e+f
x = h+i
w = v+g
y = j+k

allowing it to execute in three cycles:

t, u = a+b, c+d
v, x = e+f, h+i
w, y = v+g, j+k

Examples of out-of-order processors include the Intel Pentium 2 (and most subsequent Intel and AMD x86 processors with the exception of some Atom and Quark devices), and many recent ARM cores, including Cortex-A9, -A15, -A17, and -A57.

What is branch prediction?

Our example above is a straight-line piece of code. Real programs aren’t like this of course: they also contain both forward branches (used to implement conditional operations like if statements), and backward branches (used to implement loops). A branch may be unconditional (always taken), or conditional (taken or not, depending on a computed value); it may be direct (explicitly specifying a target address) or indirect (taking its target address from a register, memory location or the processor stack).

While fetching instructions, a processor may encounter a conditional branch which depends on a value which has yet to be computed. To avoid a stall, it must guess which instruction to fetch next: the next one in memory order (corresponding to an untaken branch), or the one at the branch target (corresponding to a taken branch). A branch predictor helps the processor make an intelligent guess about whether a branch will be taken or not. It does this by gathering statistics about how often particular branches have been taken in the past.

Modern branch predictors are extremely sophisticated, and can generate very accurate predictions. Raspberry Pi 3’s extra performance is partly a result of improvements in branch prediction between Cortex-A7 and Cortex-A53. However, by executing a crafted series of branches, an attacker can mis-train a branch predictor to make poor predictions.

What is speculation?

Reordering sequential instructions is a powerful way to recover more instruction-level parallelism, but as processors become wider (able to triple- or quadruple-issue instructions) it becomes harder to keep all those pipes busy. Modern processors have therefore grown the ability to speculate. Speculative execution lets us issue instructions which might turn out not to be required (because they may be branched over): this keeps a pipe busy (use it or lose it!), and if it turns out that the instruction isn’t executed, we can just throw the result away.

Speculatively executing unnecessary instructions (and the infrastructure required to support speculation and reordering) consumes extra energy, but in many cases this is considered a worthwhile trade-off to obtain extra single-threaded performance. The branch predictor is used to choose the most likely path through the program, maximising the chance that the speculation will pay off.

To demonstrate the benefits of speculation, let’s look at another example:

t = a+b
u = t+c
v = u+d
if v:
   w = e+f
   x = w+g
   y = x+h

Now we have dependencies from t to u to v, and from w to x to y, so a two-way out-of-order processor without speculation won’t ever be able to fill its second pipe. It spends three cycles computing tu, and v, after which it knows whether the body of the if statement will execute, in which case it then spends three cycles computing wx, and y. Assuming the if(implemented by a branch instruction) takes one cycle, our example takes either four cycles (if v turns out to be zero) or seven cycles (if v is non-zero).

If the branch predictor indicates that the body of the if statement is likely to execute, speculation effectively shuffles the program like this:

t = a+b
u = t+c
v = u+d
w_ = e+f
x_ = w_+g
y_ = x_+h
if v:
   w, x, y = w_, x_, y_

So we now have additional instruction level parallelism to keep our pipes busy:

t, w_ = a+b, e+f
u, x_ = t+c, w_+g
v, y_ = u+d, x_+h
if v:
   w, x, y = w_, x_, y_

Cycle counting becomes less well defined in speculative out-of-order processors, but the branch and conditional update of wx, and y are (approximately) free, so our example executes in (approximately) three cycles.

What is a cache?

In the good old days*, the speed of processors was well matched with the speed of memory access. My BBC Micro, with its 2MHz 6502, could execute an instruction roughly every 2µs (microseconds), and had a memory cycle time of 0.25µs. Over the ensuing 35 years, processors have become very much faster, but memory only modestly so: a single Cortex-A53 in a Raspberry Pi 3 can execute an instruction roughly every 0.5ns (nanoseconds), but can take up to 100ns to access main memory.

At first glance, this sounds like a disaster: every time we access memory, we’ll end up waiting for 100ns to get the result back. In this case, this example:

a = mem[0]
b = mem[1]

would take 200ns.

However, in practice, programs tend to access memory in relatively predictable ways, exhibiting both temporal locality (if I access a location, I’m likely to access it again soon) and spatial locality (if I access a location, I’m likely to access a nearby location soon). Caching takes advantage of these properties to reduce the average cost of access to memory.

A cache is a small on-chip memory, close to the processor, which stores copies of the contents of recently used locations (and their neighbours), so that they are quickly available on subsequent accesses. With caching, the example above will execute in a little over 100ns:

a = mem[0]    # 100ns delay, copies mem[0:15] into cache
b = mem[1]    # mem[1] is in the cache

From the point of view of Spectre and Meltdown, the important point is that if you can time how long a memory access takes, you can determine whether the address you accessed was in the cache (short time) or not (long time).

What is a side channel?

From Wikipedia:

“… a side-channel attack is any attack based on information gained from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem, rather than brute force or theoretical weaknesses in the algorithms (compare cryptanalysis). For example, timing information, power consumption, electromagnetic leaks or even sound can provide an extra source of information, which can be exploited to break the system.”

Spectre and Meltdown are side-channel attacks which deduce the contents of a memory location which should not normally be accessible by using timing to observe whether another, accessible, location is present in the cache.

Putting it all together

Now let’s look at how speculation and caching combine to permit a Meltdown-like attack on our processor. Consider the following example, which is a user program that sometimes reads from an illegal (kernel) address, resulting in a fault (crash):

t = a+b
u = t+c
v = u+d
if v:
   w = kern_mem[address]   # if we get here, fault
   x = w&0x100
   y = user_mem[x]

Now, provided we can train the branch predictor to believe that v is likely to be non-zero, our out-of-order two-way superscalar processor shuffles the program like this:

t, w_ = a+b, kern_mem[address]
u, x_ = t+c, w_&0x100
v, y_ = u+d, user_mem[x_]

if v:
   # fault
   w, x, y = w_, x_, y_      # we never get here

Even though the processor always speculatively reads from the kernel address, it must defer the resulting fault until it knows that v was non-zero. On the face of it, this feels safe because either:

  • v is zero, so the result of the illegal read isn’t committed to w
  • v is non-zero, but the fault occurs before the read is committed to w

However, suppose we flush our cache before executing the code, and arrange abc, and d so that v is actually zero. Now, the speculative read in the third cycle:

v, y_ = u+d, user_mem[x_]

will access either userland address 0x000 or address 0x100 depending on the eighth bit of the result of the illegal read, loading that address and its neighbours into the cache. Because v is zero, the results of the speculative instructions will be discarded, and execution will continue. If we time a subsequent access to one of those addresses, we can determine which address is in the cache. Congratulations: you’ve just read a single bit from the kernel’s address space!

The real Meltdown exploit is substantially more complex than this (notably, to avoid having to mis-train the branch predictor, the authors prefer to execute the illegal read unconditionally and handle the resulting exception), but the principle is the same. Spectre uses a similar approach to subvert software array bounds checks.


Modern processors go to great lengths to preserve the abstraction that they are in-order scalar machines that access memory directly, while in fact using a host of techniques including caching, instruction reordering, and speculation to deliver much higher performance than a simple processor could hope to achieve. Meltdown and Spectre are examples of what happens when we reason about security in the context of that abstraction, and then encounter minor discrepancies between the abstraction and reality.

The lack of speculation in the ARM1176, Cortex-A7, and Cortex-A53 cores used in Raspberry Pi render us immune to attacks of the sort

错误把windows10 EFI 的内容删除了,参考下面的文章,用命令解决了


bcdboot X:\windows Note: Replace “X” with the volume letter of the Windows OS partition.

Restore lost EFI partition and fix Windows fail to boot error.

BCDBoot copies the boot files from the Windows partition to the EFI System partition and creates the BCD store in the same partition.

Now you can remove the Windows installation media and restart the computer.