Tennis Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning
ace Andy won the match by serving a beautiful ace that was almost impossible to return. a winning serve which the receiver fails to touch with his or her racket
advantage With the score at deuce, Roger returned serve with a winner and the umpire announced, ‘Advantage Federer’. a player who scores a point at ‘deuce’ has the advantage, meaning if they win the next point, they win the game
backhand If your opponent is right-handed and has a weak backhand, hit the ball to his left if you can. a stroke in which the ball is struck on the opposite side of the body to the racquet hand
When I was young I was a ‘ballboy’, and my son does the same job now, but he’s a ‘ballperson’. youngsters who collect balls from the court and give them to players as required
baseline If a player’s foot touches the baseline while serving, the serve is a foot-fault. a line at each end of the court, marking the boundary of the playing area
break I got off to good start by breaking my opponent’s serve in the first game of the match. to beat an opponent in a game in which the opponent is serving
break point The score is 30-40, so this point is a break point and if he wins it, he wins the game. a point which will result in a break of service if it’s won by the receiver
crosscourt Rafael played a beautiful crosscourt volley to win the match. a shot in which the ball is hit diagonally across the court
deuce The word deuce was used in real tennis for hundreds of years before the modern game developed. a score of 40-40, after which a player must win two consecutive points to win the game
double fault After serving a fault I was worried about serving a double fault, so my second serve was much slower. two faults served in a row, resulting in the server losing the point
doubles In a game of doubles, the outer line down each side of the court acts as the boundary. format in which players play in teams of two
drop shot Serena played a perfect drop shot that just got over the net and landed about one foot from it. a gentle shot that just drops over the net
fault Maria tried to hit her serve too hard and it missed the court and was a fault. a missed serve, served into the net or served outside the correct service box
forehand Chris has a very strong forehand, so his opponents play to his backhand more. a shot hit from the racket-arm side of the body
game Venus won the match by two sets to one, and she won both sets by six games to four. in scoring, a game is won by winning points, a set is won by winning games, and a match is won by winning sets
game point When the score gets to game point, players often get nervous and make simple mistakes. a point that will end the game if it is won by the leading player
Grand Slam A career Grand Slam means a player has won each Grand Slam tournament at least once in their career. the four major tournaments; Wimbledon and the French, U.S. and Australian Opens
groundstroke Nadal is strong and he uses powerful groundstokes to keep his opponents on the run. a shot hit from the back court after the ball has bounced; the standard shot in tennis
let The umpire heard the serve clip the net as it went over, so she called a let. a shot that must be replayed, such as a serve that touches the net
line judge The line judge said the ball was in, but the umpire overruled him and called it out. an official who judges whether or not shots land in the court
lob Her lob flew high into the air and dropped into the back of the court, just inside the baseline. a shot that is hit in a high arc, usually over the opponent’s head
love After starting his service game with a double fault, the score is love-fifteen. zero (this meaning is used in tennis only)
match point Ana had her first three match points saved, but she won the fourth. a point that will end the match if it is won by the leading player
mixed doubles Is there a competition for mixed doubles in Tennis in the Olympic Games? doubles format in which each team is made up of one female and one male player
net At the end of the match, the players jogged to the net and shook hands. the woven barrier dividing a court into halves, over which the ball must be hit
racket / racquet Rackets used to be made of wood, but now they’re made of materials like carbon fibre and titanium. a stringed ‘bat’ that players hold and use to hit the ball
rally The longest rally in the match went on for 22 shots before a winner was hit. a long series of shots
receiver Most receivers stand behind the baseline when they’re waiting for a serve. the player receiving serves
return Rafael’s serve was good, but Roger’s return was even better and he won the point. to hit a shot back to the opponent
serve Andy Roddick wins many points with his powerful serve. the shot that begins each point, in which the server hits the ball after tossing it into the air
set Elena won the first set, but Maria took the next two sets to win the match. in scoring, a player must win at least six
games to win a set
set point Even top players get tense or ‘tight’ on set points. a point that, if won by the leading player, will win him or her the game and the set
tiebreaker In a tiebreaker, the winner is the first player with at least seven points, and a two-point lead. a game format used to quickly finish a set that’s tied at six games each
umpire The umpire sits in a tall chair at the side of the court, near the net. the official who is in overall charge of a match
volley Volleys can be hard to control if there’s a lot of spin on the ball. a shot on which the ball is hit before it bounces








menuentry ChromeOS {
loader /efi/boot/grubx64.efi
icon /efi/boot/icons/os_linux.png


Disk Dump is nothing less than a life saviour when we’re talking about disk disaster recovery or even data forensics.

Here’s a quick list of cool examples with the dd tool.

Create a backup

dd if=/dev/sda of=/opt/backup_sda.img

Restore a backup

dd if=/opt/backup_sda.img of=/dev/sda

Clone a hard disk

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc

Transfer a disk image

dd if=/dev/sdb | ssh root@target "(cat > backup.img)"

Create an iso image of a CD/DVD

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdimage.iso

Burn an iso image of a CD/DVD

dd if=cdimage.iso of=/dev/cdrom obs=32k seek=0

Rescue a file that contains bad blocks

dd if=movie.avi of=rescued_movie.avi conv=noerror

Create your own bootloader

dd conv=notrunc if=bootloader of=qemu.img

Create a backup of your MBR

dd if=/dev/sdb of=mbr_backup bs=512 count=1

Restore a backup of your MBR

dd if=mbr_backup of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1

Mount dd image of and entire disk

You must use the start number of the partition.

fdisk -u -l disk_image
Disk /mnt/storage/disk_image: 0 MB, 0 bytes255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytesDisk identifier: 0x41172ba5

Device                      Boot    Start    End       Blocks   Id  System
/mnt/storage/disk_image1            63       64259     32098+   de  Dell Utility
/mnt/storage/disk_image2    *       64260    78108029  39021885 7   HPFS/NTFS

Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:phys=(1023, 254, 63) logical=(4861, 254, 63)

Then take the start of the partition that you want to edit, 64260 (disk_image2) in this case, and multiply it by 512

Ex: 512 * 64260 = 32901120

mount -o loop,offset=32901120 -t auto /mnt/storage/disk_image /mnt/image_partition_2

When the hard disk has errors

Get the dd_rescue tool

dd_rescue /dev/sdb /opt/backup_sdb.img

Network Clone

  • Destination:
nc -l -p 2222 | dd of=/dev/sda bs=16M
  • Source:
dd if=/dev/sda bs=16M | nc $Destination 2222

Network speed test

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 | ssh user@machine 'cat > /dev/null'

在mac os 下,安装XQuartz软件。运行该软件,在applications里选择Terminal打开终端。之后在终端中连接Linux服务器。
ssh -Y user@ip-address







  1. 本指南所适用操作系统版本



  • MacOS 10.11.X – El Capitan
  • MacOS 10.11.X – El Capitan
  • MacOS 10.12.X – Sierra
  • MacOS 10.13.X – High Sierra
  • MacOS 10.14.X – Mojave



  1.    第三方内核扩展应该放在哪?

你应该把所有kexts安装在/Library/Extensions (/L/E)目录下。



  1.     EFI/Clover/kexts/Other目录的作用。

很多使用者认为可以把kexts直接拷贝到EFI/Clover/kexts/Other目录,用Clover里设置Clover -> System Parameters -> Inject Kexts to “Yes” ,来注入这些kexts可以得到无需维护和更干净的mac os




  1.     为什么应该放在/L/E目录而不是EFI/Clover/kexts/Other?


  • 注入的kexts在系统保护内存空间之外。
  • 大量注入的kexts会导致系统不稳定。
  • 很多第三方kexts通过Clover注入会导致不能正常工作
  • 注入的kexts不在系统内核缓存内,因此不在系统错误检查范围之内。
  • /L/E目录是苹果公司推荐的安装所有第三方kexts文件的位置




  1.   既然如此,为什么Clover还要提供注入这个功能?


  • MacOS安装程序
  • MacOS更新程序
  • MacOS恢复程序





  1.   Clover如何注入kexts?

需要设置:Clover -> System Parameters -> Inject Kexts 为”Detect”






注:Clover还可以设置Inject Kexts为”No”或者“Yes”。这两个选项应该被当作debugging设置。如果选择”No”,Clover不会注入任何kexts文件,也就是说不能运行任何更新或者系统恢复。如果选择”Yes”,Clover会把EFI/Clover/kexts/Other目录里所有kexts都注入,这样假如在/L/E目录有相同的kexts,那么这些kexts会被加载两次,而且如果这些kexts的版本还不一样,会导致严重问题。


  1.  如何在/L/E目录安装kexts.


sudo cp -R *.kext /Library/Extensions


sudo kextcache -i /




GPT allows a large number of partitions on a drive. In an attempt to reduce the effect that later partitioning changes might have on deployed systems, we are trying to enumerate the known partitions first, while leaving room for future growth. Here’s the current layout:

 Partition Usage  Purpose
 1  user state, aka “stateful partition”  User’s browsing history, downloads, cache, etc. Encrypted per-user.
 2  kernel A  Initially installed kernel.
 3  rootfs A  Initially installed rootfs.
 4  kernel B  Alternate kernel, for use by automatic upgrades.
 5  rootfs B  Alternate rootfs, for use by automatic upgrades.
 6  kernel C  Minimal-size partition for future third kernel. There are rare cases where a third partition could help us avoid recovery mode (AU in progress + random corruption on boot partition + system crash). We decided it’s not worth the space in V1, but that may change.
 7  rootfs C  Minimal-size partition for future third rootfs. Same reasons as above.
 8  OEM customization  Web pages, links, themes, etc. from OEM.
 9  reserved  Minimal-size partition, for unknown future use.
 10  reserved  Minimal-size partition, for unknown future use.
 11  reserved  Minimal-size partition, for unknown future use.
 12  EFI System Partition  Contains 64-bit grub2 bootloader for EFI BIOSes, and second-stage syslinux bootloader for legacy BIOSes.

Note that the reserved partitions will actually be present on the image, so that the partition numbering remains constant from now on. Each minimal-size partition (including the C kernel and C rootfs) is only 512 bytes, and is shoved into some space lost to filesystem alignment (between the primary partition table and the stateful partition). 64M of empty space is set aside for use by those reserved partitions if they ever need it.

Bootable USB keys have the same layout, except that kernel B and rootfs B are minimal-size, and partition 1 is limited to 720M. The total USB image size is around 1.5G. When the USB image is installed on a fixed drive, the B image is duplicated from the A image, and partition 1 is made as large as possible so that the entire disk is in use.

由于刷custom firmware安装windows10,原来的ChromeOS已经完全删除了。用如下方法,可以在外置存储器上安装ChromeOS。


在网站: 下载ChroiumOS的镜像,用软件写入到SD卡中。我选择的镜像是

写入后,不需要任何设置,该SD卡可以直接启动 Lennovo N22,并进入ChromiumOS。但是声卡和trackpad不能使用。这样是为什么需要安装ChromeOS的主要理由。


参考网站: – not valid any more 2019.09.28 updated 2019.09.28 updated

1、首先去网站: 搜索符合本机型号的系统,我选择镜像是:



losetup -fP ./chromeos_10895.78.0_reks_recovery_stable-channel_mp-v4.bin

3、挂接上SD卡的5号分区 (原ChromiumOS镜像中没有这个分区,需要新建此分区,2G大即可),此举的目的是为了保留已经安装的ChromiumOS。但是如果不需要保留ChromiumOS系统,参见3A条目。
先在/mnt目录里面建立sda5目录,把SD卡上的5号分区挂在这个目录上(SD卡本身编号或许k0,k1,但必须是第五号分区 p5):
mount /dev/mmcblk1p5 /mnt/sda5

3A:挂接上SD卡上的3号分区,删除分区里所有文件。为区分方便,在/mnt目录下建立sda3目录。另外可以在 GalliumOS系统内把用户分区扩大。

mount /dev/mmcblk1p3 /mnt/sda3

rm -rf * /mnt/sda3


mount /dev/loop0p3 /mnt/lp3 -o loop,ro


cp -av /mnt/lp3/* /mnt/sda5
rm -rf /mnt/sda5/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-skl.conf
sudo sed 0,/enforcing/s/enforcing/permissive/ -i /mnt/sda5/etc/selinux/config


cp -av /mnt/lp3/* /mnt/sda3
rm -rf /mnt/sda3/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-skl.conf

Change the word in file /mnt/sda3/etc/selinux/config from enforcing to permissive using following command:

sudo sed 0,/enforcing/s/enforcing/permissive/ -i /mnt/sda3/etc/selinux/config

or edit the file config file in the /mnt/sda3/etc/selinux/ directly


在/mnt目录建立两个目录 chromium, chrome,然后挂接两个系统的 EFI 分区(一定是p12分区)
mount /dev/loop0p12 /mnt/lpefi -o loop,ro
mount /dev/mmcblk1p12 /mnt/sdefi
进入/mnt/lpefi目录,用内核vmlinuz.A 替换 /mnt/sdefi目录里的内核vmlinuz.A。




1、联想笔记本 N500

Intel Pentium T3400 @ 2.16GHz

Average CPU Mark
Socket: PPGA478
Clockspeed: 2.2 GHz
No of Cores: 2
Typical TDP: 35 W

Other names:  Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3400 @ 2.16GHz
CPU First Seen on Charts:  Q1 2009
CPUmark/$Price:  12.39     Overall Rank:  2017
Last Price Change:  $89.95 USD (2018-04-19)

Single Thread Rating: 741
Samples: 368*
*Margin for error: Low




Average CPU Mark
Socket: FT1
Clockspeed: 1.7 GHz
No of Cores: 2
Typical TDP: 18 W

Other names:  AMD E-450 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
CPU First Seen on Charts:  Q2 2011
CPUmark/$Price:  NA     Overall Rank:  2218
Last Price Change:  NA

Single Thread Rating: 431
Samples: 1051*
*Margin for error: Low


3、 联想 N22 Chromebook

Intel Celeron N3060 @ 1.60GHz

Average CPU Mark
Description: Intel HD Graphics 400

Clockspeed: 1.6 GHz
Turbo Speed: 2.5 GHz
No of Cores: 2
Typical TDP: 6 W

Other names:  Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3060 @ 1.60GHz
CPU First Seen on Charts:  Q2 2016
CPUmark/$Price:  NA     Overall Rank:  2102
Last Price Change:  NA


Single Thread Rating: 539
Samples: 329*
*Margin for error: Low

GalliumOS是一款支持chromebook非常好的专为chromebook开发的Linux 发行版。对硬件的支持几乎完美,在Lenovo N22上使用没有任何问题。

Lenovo N22在使用了 mr. chromebox的full rom之后,可以完美安装windows10。由于常常要使用linux,所以在电脑内部存储里面安装了windows10之后,需要在u盘上安装GalliumOS。这个操作也很容易,但是对于N22笔记本,需要安装GalliumOS2.1版,这样才可以支持所有硬件,比如键盘,声卡。链接如下:

发此文时候,galliumOS 3.0版已经推出早期测试版。但本文仍然根据2.1版。


  • We recommend Etcher  or Win32DiskImager
  • Rufus is also fine, but be sure to select "Write in DD-Image mode"
  • Do not use UNetbootin
  • Do not use YUMI
  • Do not use ISO to USB

插入刚刚制作 的U1启动盘和待安装linux的U2盘后,选择安装位置,以及启动位置。安装完成后,windows和linux都可以正常启动。

但是,在未插入刚刚安装好的galliumOS的U2盘的情况下启动windows10时,电脑屏幕会发生极短的闪烁,这是因为电脑在启动windows10之前快速运行了一下linux 的boot loader,之后再启动windows 10。这个过程虽无大碍,但还是不如直接启动windows10。

这个问题出在安装linux时boot loader安装的启动位置上。GalliumOS使用refind作为启动管理软件(boot loader),这个软件类似grub,但更简练。但是经过安装发现,在安装galliumOS时候,即使选择U2盘为启动盘,启动引导软件仍然固执的把内部硬盘作为启动盘来安装。并且把应该mount在 U2盘上EFI分区的/boot/efi目录错误的mount在内部盘上的 EFI分区。


1、解决windows的启动问题,删除内部盘中的refind boot loader,恢复windows10本身启动:

用windows 10 安装盘启动电脑,进入修复选项,选择 command prompt,按照如下命令完成对windows10 EFI分区的修复。


list disk
select disk # Note: Select the disk where you deleted the EFI System partition.
list partition
select partition X #Note: Select the partition where you deleted the EFI System partition.
format override quick fs=fat32 #Note: delete all existing files in this partition.
list volume #Note: showing the volume letter of the Windows OS partition.

bcdboot X:\windows Note: Replace “X” with the volume letter of the Windows OS partition.







解压缩后安装,在安装时可能会出现缺少某软件错误,用apt-get install ???安装该软件后再次安装。应该不会再有错误提示。



ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid

获得U2盘EFI分区的UUID。 进入U2的/etc目录,修改fstab文件,把EFI对应的UUID值修改为刚刚得到的U2盘EFI分区的UUID值。 重启电脑,卸下U1,仅保留U2,可以发现U2就可以作为启动盘正常启动了。