• 2017年 1月 23日
北京某咖啡店内顾客用智能手机和平板电脑上网(资料图片) 图片版权 AFP
Image caption 中国长期屏蔽当局眼中的互联网“有害内容”。




中国政府利用民间俗称“防火长城”(The Great Firewall of China)技术来审查、屏蔽当局认为有害的内容,又称虚拟专用网络的VPN则是网民常用于“翻墙”接触境外网站的手段。

这些被屏蔽网站包括诸多西方媒体,而中国最近也要求美国苹果公司将《纽约时报》的手机应用从中国版应用程序商店(App Store)下架,使中国网民接触此类内容的途径进一步受限。


Horizontal line


中国地图与数码 图片版权 Reuters








Horizontal line










乌镇互联网大会上有关“网络恐怖主义”的座谈会(中新社图片17/11/2016) 图片版权 CNS
Image caption 中国经常强调海内外对中国互联网的威胁。


Horizontal line


特地翻墙上bbc来支持反对翻墙? 你们内心是有多矛盾??小C

我使用VPN近一年的时间了,很担心今后无法翻墙,很希望国际社会研发出更高的科技技术,突破中国的防火墙,让中国人了解世界,了解真相。Ji Wujun, 中国北京







学架设SSL/VPN,做新时代人。新世界新时代技能, 局域网乌托邦


我们建立了世界最大的局域网!自信点吧!哈哈, 大陆

愤怒愤怒愤怒Jacky, 中国



愚民啊愚民。Seiran, 日本兵库县

感谢研制和提供VPN技术的国际友人,让不愿做奴隶的人们有了突破信息封锁的可能。Gent Liu, 中国

网络进一步受限……我不看好工信部的条款,是网络就应该开放。He Zhong, 中国海南

为什么不能看国外的网站?因为国外的不客观,反华?国内有真是的东西吗?国外不可观的可以忽视,自己判断。不让看?这就不对。Chuck, 中国上海



但是“它们”总是有办法。佚名, 中国河北


Softmod/Hack almost ANY Wii v13 3/30/2013
New wiis, old wiis, virgin wiis or your favorite slutty wii.
Korean wiis, Japanese wiis, even those Exotic black, red and blue wiis

It has no SD support, as such, there is presently no known way to hack this console.
For softmodding purposes, the Wii Mini is to be avoided.

To be clear this guide is for WII NOT WiiU.

Password =www.wiihacks.com

Softmoding can brick your wii, this is very very unlikely. Accept this fact or stop now.

Works with 3.0-4.3u/e/j/k

Compatible with hardmoded Wiis and softmoded Wiis. Softmoded Wiis, just follow the guide, don’t delete anything. This guide will overwrite your old softmod!

NOTE: This guide now has complete support for the motion plus TR remotes!
If your Wii Remote was purchased after November 2011, there is a chance that it may not be compatible with all Homebrew applications. Apps that were compiled prior to March 2012 are not compatible with these remotes.
This guide includes all the latest apps, making it 100% compatible!

This Guide uses some terminology that you may not be familiar with as of yet. For those of you that wish to just dive right in, we have tried our best to make it as noob friendly as possible. For those of you who like to understand things a bit better first, take a read of BluPhant’s Thinking about hacking a Wii? Start here! [A basic Introduction to Wii hacking]. It will give you a greater understanding of what you are about to do to your Wii, along with a bunch of other great info. Happy Modding!

Never Ever Ever Update Your Wii From Nintendo

Spoiler Alert: This guide uses many spoilers. You must click on the spoiler to open it.
I am a spoiler- Click me please

Congratulations, you can follow simple instructions and may proceed with this guide

Downloading Files

You will need to download a few files to complete this guide. Be sure to download the right file, pay attention.

Cios FAQ- What this mod installs




Update any existing softmod


I want to update my softmod and…

…I modded my wii with some other guide OR…I don’t remember what guide I used


…I modded my wii with this guide…

…but I don’t have a NAND backup available

You should do Chapter 1, 2, 3, step by step. It is absolutely imperative that all softmod users make and keep a NAND backup. It takes 20 minutes and could save your bacon down the line.

…I have a NAND backup, and either HBC 1.0.8/1.1.0 running on some other IOS than 58 OR ANY HBC prior to 1.0.8

You should do Chapter 1, 2, 3, step by step. The homebrew channel should be at 1.1.0 and running on IOS58. Following this guide will rectify this. If you’re positive you have a valid NAND backup, you may skip the NAND backup process.

…I have a NAND backup, and HBC 1.0.8 running on IOS58

You can update the homebrew channel to 1.1.0 and then follow the 1.1.0 directions below

…I have a NAND backup, and HBC 1.1.- running on IOS58

If you have HBC 1.1.0 running on ios58, bootmii, and a nand backup- Do Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

Additional information: Removing “mothballed” channels


Future updates

Generally speaking, in the future, you will only need to update the ciospack, which should make life simpler. The exception might be updating the homebrew channel itself. The other IOS installed by this guide are pretty static at this point.

Why doesn’t this guide include the latest version of cIOS, Loaders, etc?

We generally wait a little while to make sure things are truly compatible before putting them in the general guide. So this guide may not have you on the bleeding edge of custom IOS, but it will get you what we believe to be the best general purpose configuration. As soon as we have determined that an upgrade to the cIOS and/or anything else in the guide would be best for all users, the guide will be updated accordingly.

Update History


Chapter 1-Installing The HomeBrew Channel and Bootmii
Read the guide at least 3 times don’t take the chance on forgetting a step!
Have 350 free blocks of nand space
Remove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices
Don’t lose power

Format SD-CARD to FAT32
Use a standard SD-Card, 1-2g (SanDisk is good)
If you have any issue, try to format with this format tool
If needed, use 7-zip to extract archive files.

Part 1- Launch Hackmii Installer
As of hackmii 1.1.0, ios58 will be installed prior to hbc install for all wiis 4.2 and less.
Below you will find many methods for loading the hackmii installer. Bannerbomb is best and is supported on 3.0-4.2 wiis.
Choose the method compatible with your wii.

Softmods with HOMEBREW CHANNEL installed

If you already have a softmod with HBC installed, you can update your softmod with this guide.

Note: 4.3 wiis can skip installation of ios58 and 61, and simply load Hackmii from the HBC.

First, backup and Format your SD card.
System Menu 3.1 or less LOOK HERE

– WiiMod is not compatible with System Menu versions less than 3.2. Instead you must use MMM. Please note that this will not work with most Wii Remotes that have the motion plus inside.
– Download MMM-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0.zip and extract directly to your SD card.
– insert your sd card into your Wii
– Load the HomeBrew Channel
– Launch Multi-Mod Manager -MMM will load
– Select Wad Manager -Press A
– Press 1, -press A – Install all wads
– IOS58 and IOS61 will install
– Press “any button”
– Press 2- load “App Manager”
– Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 -Press A, Hackmii Installer Loads
– Proceed to Part 2 of Chapter 1, Install the Homebrew Channel and Bootmii

System Menus 3.2 – 4.3

Extract WiiMod-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0 to sd:\
Load the HomeBrew Channel
Launch WiiMod – WiiMod will load

-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -press A -Install all wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button” to continue
-Exit WiiMod to go back to the Homebrew Channel
-Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 – Press A to Launch
-Hackmii Installer Loads

3.0-4.1 Bannerbomb v1

System Menu 3.1 or less LOOK HERE

– WiiMod is not compatible with System Menu versions less than 3.2. Instead you must use MMM. Please note that this will not work with most Wii Remotes that have the motion plus inside.
– Download MMM-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0_BB1.zip and extract directly to your SD card.
– insert your sd card into your Wii
– Go to wii settings – data managment – channels – SD – Load the boot.dol
– alternate BBv1 files-B, C, D, E- If the boot.dol does not load, try these, just extract to sd:\
– MMM will load
– Select Wad Manager -Press A
– Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads
– IOS58 and IOS61 will install
– Press “any button”
– Press 2- load “App Manager”
– Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 -Press A, Hackmii Installer Loads
– Proceed to Part 2 of Chapter 1, Install the Homebrew Channel and Bootmii

System Menus 3.2 – 4.1

Download WiiMod-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0_BB1.zip, Extract file to sd:\
alternate BBv1 files-B, C, D, E– If the boot.dol does not load, try these, just extract to sd:\
-Go to wii settings- data managment- channels- SD- Load the boot.dol
-WiiMod will load
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button”
-Press B to go back to WiiMod’s main menu
-Press the Home button and exit to the System Menu
-Put your SD card back into your computer and navigate to sd:\
-Right click on boot.dol and select Delete. You MUST delete this file.
-Right click on hackmii and select Rename. Rename the file to boot.elf
-Put the SD card back into your Wii
-Go to wii settings- data managment- channels- SD- Load the boot.elf
-Hackmii Installer Loads

4.0-4.2- Bannerbomb v2

download WiiMod-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0_BB2.zip, Extract file to sd:\
alternate Bannerbombv2 files-B, C– If the boot.dol does not load, try these, just extract to sd:\
-Click the SD-ICON from the wii channel menu- load the boot.dol
-WiiMod will load
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button”
-Press B to go back to WiiMod’s main menu
-Press the Home button and exit to the System Menu
-Put your SD card back into your computer and navigate to sd:\
-Right click on boot.dol and select Delete. You MUST delete this file.
-Right click on hackmii and select Rename. Rename the file to boot.elf

-Put the SD card back into your Wii
-Click the SD-ICON from the wii channel menu- load the boot.elf

-Hackmii Installer Loads

4.3- LetterBomb- No Game Disc Required

Go to the Letterbomb site HERE.
Originally Posted by llaffer
Make sure that your system date/time is correct.
Make sure you have the correct MAC address.
Make sure you know the correct region.
Make sure you have a valid 1-2 gig SD card. Not MiniSD, not Micro SD.
Format the SD card using this tool as full erase (not quick): http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?66o4q63sa54ad86
Password is: www.wiihacks.com

Originally Posted by BluPhant
…1. Get your Wii’s mac address:The MAC address of the Wii can be found by:
From the Wii Channel menu, select “Wii Settings” (the round button on the bottom-left of the screen with “Wii”
on it)
Select “Internet,” then “Console Settings.”
The MAC address of the Wii console is displayed on the first line.
2. Format your SD card. Fat32
Panasonic SDFormat preferred. Dont skip this step.
3. Uncheck the “Bundle the Hackmii Installer for me!” box.
You can use the mac address to build a custom hackmii installer at LetterBomb
If you get the captcha wrong, it will RESET your region. This happened to me. If you do, the installer, well,
in my case hung the wii. Had to hard boot it.
4. Copy downloaded files to root directory of SD card. I used windows xp. Now download hackmii_1.1.0.zip and extract the boot.elf file directly to the root of your SD card.
5. Put card in wii and start it.
6. Hit the envelope in the lower right hand corner
If you dont see the red message with the bomb, hit the – or + buttons to choose a different date.
7. Click on the big red envelope with the bomb.
The hackmii installer launches. (note if it hangs, you might not have done step 2, or you might have chosen
the incorrect region)…

Hackmii loads
Go to part 2

Wilbrand Launcher – 4.3 System Menus

Wilbrand launcher is a Windows utility that creates an exploit similar to letterbomb.

Download Wilbrand Launcher 8.0 and extract to your computer desktop.

Power on the Wii and verify that the date on Wii is correct (if it isn’t.. fix it)
Go to Settings -> Internet -> Console Information and take a look at the MAC Address.
Now start Wilbrand Launcher , type the MAC Address and the other info.
Uncheck the “Bundle the Hackmii Installer for me!” box.
Create the exploit, then copy and paste the files into the root of the SD card.
Download hackmii_1.1.0.zip and extract the boot.elf file directly to the root of your SD card.
Now you can place the SD card into the Wii.
Go to the Messageboard and navigate to Yesterday.
Click on the Green Letter
Hackmii Installer loads. Go to Part 2 of this chapter.

4.3u/e/j/k Disc Exploits

4.3u/e- Indiana PWNS

Hackmii_1.1.0_IP_SS_BB2.zip, Extract to sd:\

Indiana PWNS – Works with 4.3u/e
-Play Lego Indiana Jones Original. Start a new game, then exit to System Menu.
-Go to wii settings, data management, save games, wii, SD
-Click SD, copy Indiana PWNS for your region
-Play Lego Indiana Jones original, load save game slot 1
When the game loads, you will be in Barnett College. Walk to the Art Room (through
the Courtyard), approach the left character on the podium. When it zooms on him, choose the switch
option (two silhouettes, staggered, with an arrow pointing between them).

-Hackmii Installer Loads

Indiana PWNS Video

Smash Stack 4.3u/e/j/k

Smash Stack – Works with 4.3u/j/e/k
-Requires “Super Smash Bros. Brawl” for your region
-download Smash Stack_Hackmii_1.1.0.zip —-
-extract to sd:\
-Load SSBB , with sd-card removed, make a save file if asked
-Go to the stage builder, delete all custom stages found, exit the stage builder
-Exit all the way back to the main SSBB menu
-Insert SD-CARD, Go back to the stage builder
HackMii Installer loads
Smash Stack Video

4.3u/e/j – YU-GI-OWNED! or YU-GI-VAH

Works with 4.3u/e/j
You need
YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker game
4.3u wiis- download Hackmii_1.1.0-yu-gi-vah-U.zip, Extract to sd:\
4.3j wiis- download Hackmii_1.1.0_yu-gi-vah-J.zip, Extract to sd:\
4.3e wiis- download:
PAL 50hrz- Hackmii_1.1.0-yu-gi-OWNED!-E50.zip , Extract to sd:\
PAL 60hrz- Hackmii_1.1.0-yu-gi-OWNED!-E60.zip, Extract to sd:\
-Play YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker at least once
-Go to Wii settings -> Data Management -> Savegames -> Wii
-Delete the Yu-Gi-Oh savegame
-Go to the Sd-card menu
-Copy the YU-GI-OH5D exploit to the wii
-Run the game YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker and load the savegame file …
-Hackmii installer 1.1.0 loads

4.3u/e/j Lego Star Wars

Requires 1-2g SD card
Requires Lego Star Wars game
Play the game once
Return of Jodi- Download hackmii-1.1.0_return-jodi.zip

Jabba the Haxx -Download Hackmii-1.1.0_jabba-haxx.zip—–
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii data managment, savegames
Delete your lego starwars save file (backup it up if you like)
Copy the hacked save file for your region from your sd card to your wii
Start up the game, load the first save slot (on the left, at 0.0%)
As soon as the level loads, run to the right and you’ll see two characters floating. Run to the area in
front of them and you’ll see “Return of Jodi” show up, press the “A” button on your Wiimote and your boot.elf
will run
Hackmii Installer 1.1.0 loads

4.3u/e/j Bat HAXX

Requires 1-2g SD card
Requires Lego Batman game
Play the game once
Download hackmii-1.1.0_bathaxx.zip
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii data managment, savegames
Delete your lego Batman save file (backup it up if you like)
Copy the hacked save file for your region from your sd card to your wii
Boot LEGO Batman and load the savegame you just copied. You are now in the batcave, take the elevator on
the right side. Then in the trophy room, go to the upper corner and go through the door in order to enter the
“Wayne Manor”. Now you can select a character. Choose the last enabled one in the lowest row
Hackmii Installer 1.1.0 Loads

Eri HaKawai- Tales of Symphonia 4.3u/e

Play “Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of
the New World” (RT4EAF).
Make a savegame
Download Hackmii-1.1.0-Eri HaKawai.zip
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii settings -> data managment -> savegames -> wii
Delete your Tales of Symphonia savegame
Go to the sd card savegames ->Copy your exploit savegame to the wii. Then start the game, and load the save data.
Once the game starts ( and you see a retarded dog waving at you ), press PLUS to enter the game’s menu.
Scroll down to “Status” and press A.
Then scroll down to the second character (named “Giantpune”). Highlite him, and press A.
Hopefully everything works out like it should and the boot.elf is loaded from your SD card.
Hackmii installer should load

Other desperate options

Boot2 Bootmii Option
Only works for wiis with boot2 bootmii already installed
-Extract MMM-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0_CB2.zip, to sd:\
Note: This will only work if you are using a non-motion plus remote.
-Boot the wii
-Multi-Mod Manager will load
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -Press A -Install all wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button”
-Press 2- load “App Manager”
-Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 -Press A
Hackmii Installer Loads

Installed Forwarder Channel Option
If you have a forwarder channel installed, say for neogamma, or mplayer, or other. This will only work with a non-motion plus remote.
-Extract MMM-58-61_Hackmii_1.1.0_CB2.zip to sd:\
Replace the sd:\apps\(forwarder app dir)\boot.dol with the sd:\boot.dol
Launch the forwarder Channel

-Multi-Mod Manager will load
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -Press A -Install all wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button”
-Press 2- load “App Manager”
-Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 -Press A
Hackmii Installer Loads

Cioscorp/Darkcorp installed – This will only work with a non-motion plus controller.
If you had Cioscorp/Darkcorp installed prior to a system update
You can load a fakesigned disc via disc swap or possibly the disc channel
-Pick a game that reloads the health/safety screen when rebooted
-Pick a game that runs on a cios installed by cioscorp/darkcorp
-Rip/get a 1:1 iso of this game to your pc
-Example “Castlevania Judgment” which runs on ios36

Extract ios-tools.zip to the location of your game iso
-Extract MMM-58-61-Hackmii_1.1.0_BB2.zip, to sd:\
[/URL]-copy sd:\boot.dol to the location of your game iso
-Run MakeKeyBin.exe, type 42, click generate and exit
-Run WIIScrubber.exe
Click load ISO, select your game iso
Double click Partition 1- data
Right click on main.dol,
Click replace
Select boot.dol
main.dol name will not change
-Burn the patched game iso, burn it good and proper
You may be able to load this from the disc channel if you have a current version of darkcorp installed-try
If the patched game iso does not load, do the following-
Load your retail game from the disc channel
Once the game loads press [HOME] on the wiimote
Press eject and remove the retail game, insert the patched game disc
Press restart
WiiMod loads
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press 1, -Press A -Install all wads
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press “any button”
-Press 2- load “App Manager”
-Select hackmii_installer_v1.0 -Press A
Hackmii Installer Loads
4.3u/e/j/k- Mario Kart PWNS / DiscSwap-PWNS -modchip/wode install

With this method you can load game exploits from other regions. The example given is to load SSBB-PAL
on a non PAL wii to fix error 003. The method can be used with other game exploits as well, so modify it to
your needs.

What you will need, 1:1 iso of SSBB-PAL
A game that installs a channel or A game that reboots to the safety screen
What you will do, load SSBB-PAL on your 4.2/4.3u/e/j 003 bricked wii
How will you load SSBB-PAL on your U/J wii? You will use Giantpunes mariokart pawns method.
A gamecube controller
A dvd drive capable of reading burned disc, or a wode (new wii dvd drives will not work, you may need to
replace it.)
A modchip or a wode

Download- Smash-Stack.zip
Extract to a formated standard SD card 1-2g
SDHC will not work

4.2/4.3u 003 wiis- Download error 003-USA.zip
-Extract to your pc in folder \003
-Do MarioKart-PWNS or SwapDisc-PWNS

4.2/4.3j 003 wiis- Download error 003-JAPAN.zip
-Extract to your pc in folder \003
-Do MarioKart-PWNS or SwapDisc-PWNS

4.2/4.3e 003 wiis- Patch your SSBB-PAL.iso to autoboot with bootme
-Autoboot SSBB-PAL and run the smash stack.
-Hackmii loads, install HBC, bootmii, make a nand backup
-follow this guide from the beginning

Mario Kart PWNS / Channel installers

This will allow you to load Smash Stack PAL on a non pal wii
You can do this via channel install
What you need-
A game in the region of your wii
The game must install a channel, that is not currently installed on your wii
Games that install channels- Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Rabbids Go Home
Tested with Mario Kart
I had no luck with the other two

Copy your Super Smash Bros. Brawl PAL ISO to folder /003
Copy your channel installing game to folder /003
Navigate to folder /003
Rename your Super Smash Bros. Brawl PAL ISO -> ssbb-pal.iso
Rename your channel installing game -> channel.iso
Run MarioKart-PWNS.bat
Let wit do its thing
wit mix channel.iso channel.iso ignore “@ignore.txt” select DATA as chan –dest disc1.iso –overlay
wit edit disc1.iso –id=0SBE01 –name “MarioKart-PWNS” –region USA –modify=DISC
wit mix disc1.iso header region ignore “@ignore.txt” ssbb-pal.iso select DATA as chan –dest disc2.iso —
Burn on good Media. Dual Layer media for ssbb-pal.iso, such as verbatim dvd + or minus. I have
had good luck with verbatim dl dvd +r 8x and verbatim dl dvd -r 2.4x.
Burn with ImgBurn, @ 4x set the layer break to – 2084960
Burn disc1.iso on a good dvd5 disc
Burn disc2.iso.iso on a good dvd9 dual layer disc
Use a gc controller to enter recovery menu via savemiifrii
Insert the channel disc, the game boots

Use your wiimote and navigate to the channel installer. Select to install the channel, it will tell you this
channel uses so many block. When you get to the install confirmation, press [HOME] on the wiimote, eject
disc1, insert disc2, press [HOME] on the wiimote, install the channel-
Super Smash Bros Brawl- VC demo menu will load, press [HOME] again, restart-
SSBB strap screen loads. Make a savegame.

Go to the stage builder, delete any custom stages you may have go back to the main title screen
Insert a standard sd card, 1-2g, non sdhc with Smash Stack PAL on it
Go back to the stage builder- Hackmii Installer Loads
Install HBC, Bootmii, make a nand backup
Follow my softmod guide to fix
Guide: Softmod Any Wii
Your wii is alive

Disc Swap PWNS
What you need-
A game in your wii’s region that will autoboot- Tested with Castlevania
The game must reset to the strap screen when it is reset via [HOME] on the wiimote [Reset] on the wii screen
Game that reset to the strap screen- many games maybe, you can test, Castlevania works
Game must be kind and load another game for you- Tested with Castlevania, I am sure there are others
Super Smash Bros. Brawl-PAL, 1:1 DVD9 iso

Most games will require you to load to the title screen, press [HOME] on the wiimote, swap discs, press
[HOME] and the wiimote and go back to the title screen. Now listen to the wii drive, as soon as the drive
clicks to spin up the disc, press [HOME], then click restart on the wii screen. The timing will be different
for every game. Some games you can just restart, others need the spin up first.

Games that work-
Castlevania Judgment -with spin up
Dora- Crystal Kingdom -with spin up
BOOM Blocks Bash Party -with spin up
Carnival Games – no spin up
Family Party- 30 great games- with spin up.

Copy your Super Smash Bros. Brawl PAL ISO to /003
Copy your Swap Disc game to /003
Navigate to folder /003
Rename your Super Smash Bros. Brawl PAL ISO -> ssbb-pal.iso
Rename your swap disc game -> swap.iso
Run SwapDisc-PWNS.bat
Let wit do its thing
wit edit swap.iso –id=0SBE01 –name “SwapDisc-PWNS” –region USA –modify=DISC
wit edit ssbb-pal.iso –id=0SBE01 –name “SwapDisc-PWNS” –region USA –modify=DISC
Burn on good Media.
Dual Layer media for ssbb-pal.iso, such as verbatim dvd + or minus. I have had good luck with verbatim dl
dvd +r 8x and verbatim dl dvd -r 2.4x.
Burn with ImgBurn, @ 4x set the layer break to – 2084960
Burn swap.iso on a good dvd5 disc
Burn ssbb-pal.iso.iso on a good dvd9 dual layer disc

Use a gamecube controller and load the recovery menu using savemiifrii.
Insert your swap disc, let the game load to the title screen
Press [Home] on the wiimote, eject the swap disc
Now depending on the game, you could press restart or your may need to press [HOME] and load the game title
screen again, then very very quickly press [HOME] again, then restart on the wii screen. It will be
different for every game
For Castlevania- Load the title screen, Press [HOME], swap discs, press [HOME], wait 0.5-1sec, press [HOME],
reset from the wii screen. Timing has to be right.
This should load the VC demo screen of SSBB, press [HOME] and restart again.
SSBB strap screen should load. Make a savegame.
Go to the stage builder, delete any custom stages you may have go back to the main title screen.
Insert a standard sd card, 1-2g, non sdhc with Smash Stack PAL on it
Go back to the stage builder- Hackmii Installer Loads
Install HBC, Bootmii, and make a nand backup
Follow my softmod guide to fix.
Guide: Softmod Any Wii
Your wii is alive

Part 2- Install The HomeBrew Channel and Bootmii
Read the Scam warning and press 1
It may take a minute or two for the “press 1” to appear- be patient
Install the HomeBrew Channel
Install Bootmii as Boot2(boot2 may not be available, IOS installs automatically)

Prepare the SD-card
If Step1 fails with error “no vulnerable ios“,


Part 3- Make A NAND Backup (NOT Optional, do this,)
Load HBC, press -HOME-, launch Bootmii
Make a nand backup
Press Power, Power, Power, Reset, Reset (yes we are talking about the buttons on your Wii console itself, or you can use a GameCube controller. If using the buttons on your Wii, press them quickly, do not hold them down)
Power = Right, Eject = Left, Reset = Select
Once the backup is complete, exit bootmii to HBC
Backup your Bootmii files to your PC
If you want to load bootmii again at a later date, copy the bootmii folder back to sd:\Alternative to nand backup, if you can’t make one now

If you are unable to make a nand backup ATM, you can skip it if your wii is
online. You must run XYZZY from the HBC and extract your nand keys.
This does not work if the wii is not online.
Backup and format the sd card
Extract xyzzy_WiiMod.zip to sd:\
Load the HBC
WiiMod will load, Select Wad Manager
Press 1, -Press A -install all wads -1 wad will install without error -Press any key
Press 2 – Load the App Manager, Launch XYZZY
Let it do its magic, then save sd:\keys.txt to a very safe place
Be sure to make a bootmii nand backup ASAP
But having the keys is good enough in a pinch
The Keys are needed for nand reprogramming of a fully bricked wii

Congratulations, you now have the Homebrew Channel and bootmii installed. You have made your nand
backup and are ready to move on the chapter 2. If you purchased a game to run these exploits, you may now sell
it if you wish.

Chapter 2- Hacking your wii
Read this Chapter 3 times, or more.

Format your SD Card
Download Modpack Files
Requires a standard SD card, 1-2g scandisk is best. SDHC cards may or may not work, a lot don’t. If SDHC doesn’t work, don’t blame us. Go get an SD…
Have 450 free blocks of nand space
Read the guide at least 3 times.
Remove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices.
Don’t lose power- Very important
Password = www.wiihacks.com

Download the modpack: ModPack.zip
Extract the ModPack directly to your sd card.

If you would like to update your Wii IOS:
Download IOS Update.zip (If you are on a System Menu version other than 4.3, you need this!)
Extract the IOS Update directly to your sd card
Overwrite files if asked

If you would like to update the Wii Shop Channel-
RVL-Shopping-v21.zip (If you have not updated this channel since Nov.2012, you need this! If you are unsure, it doesnt hurt to do it)
Extract the RVL-Shopping-v21.zip file directly to the sd card. Overwrite files if asked

If you correctly extracted all of the above, you should have this file structure on your sd card

sd:\IOS Update.md5
sd:apps\priiloader for MOTION PLUS ONLY\boot.dol
sd:\wad\Backup HBC – MAUI.wad
sd:\wad\Neogamma_Forwarder_Channel _NEOF_249.wad
sd:\wad\USB Loader GX-UNEO_Forwarder_4_0_AHBPROT.wad
sd:\wad\USBLoaderCFG – UCXF – IOS58 v10.wad
sd:\wad\shop channel v21\RVL-Shopping-v21.wad
sd:\wad\shop channel v21\IOS62-64-6430.wad

Verify Checksums -very important
MAC users- you can use Free File Sharing Made Simple – MediaFire
On your PC, navigate to your sd card
Run sd:\md5summer.exe (this is run on your computer, not the Wii)
Click “Verify Sums“, Select “ModPack.md5
All check sums should verify without error (very important)

[SIZE=3]If installing the IOS update: Click “Verify Sums” again, Verify IOS UPDATE.md5
If installing the Shopping Channel v21 update: Click “Verify Sums” again, Verify RVL-Shopping-v21.md5

All Checksums should verify without issue. Errors = Bad News, so try again

Part 1- Wad Installs
Users with a System Menu version of 3.1 or less MUST LOOK HERE!!!!

– WiiMod is not compatible with System Menu versions less than 3.2. Instead you must use MMM. Please note that this will not work with most Wii Remotes that have the motion plus inside.
– Download MMM for 3x.zip and extract directly to your SD card.
– Download IOS236.zip and extract directly to the apps folder on your SD card.
– Download IOS36 and extract directly to the root of your SD card.
– Launch the Homebrew Channel, Launch IOS 236 Installer and Install IOS236.
– For the rest of this Chapter, use MMM instead of WiiMod for all wad installations.
– WiiMod and MMM are virtually identical, so you should have no problems following the same instructions, just use MMM instead of WiiMod.
– Again, this is for 3.1 or less system menus only! You DO NOT NEED THIS if you are on a System Menu version higher than 3.1!
– After the installation of System Menu 4.1 that is included later in this guide, you will be able to use WiiMod without issue should the need ever arise again.

This guide now uses WiiMod to install the required files to your Wii.
!!!WARNING!!! – WiiMod is a very advanced application. Follow the instructions EXACTLY as written. Messing with options in WiiMod without know exactly what you are doing COULD BRICK YOUR WII. You have been warned!!!!

-Power on your Wii and insert your sd card. Or insert your SD card and power on your Wii. Either way, as long as your SD card is inserted and your Wii is on, that is what is important.

-Launch the Homebrew Channel, then launch Wiimod.
-Use the d-Pad on your Wii remote to scroll down to Wad Manager.
-Press A to select.
-The contents of the wad folder on your sd card will appear.
-Press 1 to batch install all wads. You will be prompted “Do you want to proceed?” Press A to proceed.
-After completion, you may press any button to continue.

NOTE: If a wad fails to install, try to install that wad again. If the wad still fails, press B until you are back at the main menu.
DO NOT PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEP UNTIL ALL WADS INSTALL. Many times the reason for wads failing to install is that people have failed to correctly run the MD5 hash check as insisted upon above. The MD5 hash check verifies that the file downloaded correctly. If the wad is corrupt, download the pack again, and try again. DO NOT proceed if the wads will not install. If you still encounter errors, please post the specifics of your error here in this thread and someone will help you out as soon as they can! We want to help you hack your Wii, not brick your Wii!

Note for Mac users:
Mac users may get an error of 30+ wads installing and 30+ wads failing. There are only 30 wads in
the modpack. This issue is caused by the Mac creating extra files and is not a problem.

Be sure all 30 wads install, very important

Do not proceed with error, 30 wads must install

Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii

If you are updating the Shop Channel to v21 do this

Select shop channel v21 and press A.
Select RVL-Shopping v21 and press A.
Press A again to install the Shopping Channel
Press any button to continue.
Select IOS62-64-6430 and Press A.
Press A again to install IOS62. (This IOS is only needed if you decide to download the Wii to Wii U Transfer Utility)
Press any button to continue.
These wads should install without any errors.
Press B to go back to the original screen with all of the other wads listed and continue with the guide.
If when installing the Wii Shop Channel you get a -1035 error, do this

The following instructions are very specific. You can brick your Wii if you just randomly start pressing buttons. Make certain you follow the instructions by the letter.
Again, YOU CAN BRICK YOUR WII if you hit the wrong buttons here.
I understand the warning, show me how to do this!

From the main menu in WiiMod, select Advanced Menu. Read the Warning. If you mess up in this menu you can BRICK YOUR WII. Are you sure you want to access the advanced options?
Press A to continue.
Select Any Title Manager and press A.
Select 00010002 – System Channel Titles and press A.
Select the Shopping Channel, then press –
Another screen pops up, showing Name DB : Shopping Channel
Press – to uninstall the Shopping Channel.
Press any key to continue
Press B 3 times to return to WiiMod’s main menu
Select WAD Manager and press A
Select shop channel v21 and press A
Select RVL-Shopping-v21.wad and press A
Press A again to install the Shopping Channel
Press any button to continue.
Press B to go back to the original screen with all of the other wads listed and continue with the guide.

Congrats! You can follow instructions! Continue with this guide!

If updating your IOS, Select “IOS-Update” -Press A
Press (1) to “Install all Wads” – Press A
25 wads should install without error
Be sure all 25 wads install, kinda important
IOS are only used by channels and discs loaded from the disc channel.
“Press any button to continue”

Downgrade to/Upgrade to/Install System Menu v4.1 (Optional, but Recommended!!)

System Menus v4.2 and v4.3 were created simply to remove Homebrew from your Wii. These system menus offer no additional functionality whatsoever. Installing System Menu 4.1 enables region free with modchips and allows you to use bannerbomb should you ever need to. There are also a few brick fixing options available with SM 4.1 that are not available with 4.2 or 4.3. We hope you never need to use them, but in our opinion it is better to have them and not need them than to have the oposite problem….

Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii

Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii

Download the System Menu for your region. Make sure you select the correct region!!! If you are unsure as to what region you have, at your Wii’s home screen select the settings icon. Then select System Settings. Your region (e, u, j, or k) will be displayed in the upper right hand corner. (Example: 4.3u, 3.4j, 4.0e…..)

System Menu-4.1J-448 – Japan
System Menu-4.1E-450 – Europe(mirror)
System Menu-4.1U-449 – USA (mirror)
System Menu-4.1K-454 – Korea

-Extract the files directly to your SD card.
-Using the same method as described above, run MD5 summer to verify the 4.1 md5 file. DO NOT PROCEED if it does not verify!
-Insert your SD card into your Wii and launch the Homebrew Channel.
-Launch WiiMod
-Scroll down to Wad Manager and press A, WiiMod loads
-Select “System Menu-4.1x-xxx” and press A.(The x corresponds to your specific system menu region)
-Press 1 to batch install all 3 wads. Press A to confirm. All 3 wads MUST install without error!

!!!IMPORTANT!!! These wads must install correctly! Do not exit if you get errors. In the highly unlikely event you do get errors, post here in this thread. DO NOT shut off your Wii. Wait patiently for an answer!!!

Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wii

WARNING: This is System Menu v4.1, running on a version patched cIOS60. For those of you who like to go cowboying with your Wii and mess with your IOS, NEVER replace cios60-v54321 with ios60-6400. Doing so will brick your Wii. Don’t MUCK up cios60-v54321. You have been warned.

Help, I cant get the wads to install!

Did you verify all the wads using mdsummer? If not, you better do it now. If any wads fail to verify, download the modpack again. Do not proceed until ALL wads verify!

If everything verified, you can try to install a patched IOS236 first.

Download IOS236 Installer and extract it directly to your SD Card.

Your Wii MUST have a working internet connection for the following to work. If you still haven’t set up a connection on your Wii, do so now. Make sure you DO NOT ACCEPT THE SYSTEM UPDATE if prompted.
Start the Homebrew Channel.
VERY IMPORTANT! In the Homebrew channel, you will see an icon flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating it is attempting to initialize the network. You MUST wait for
the icon to stop flashing OR let it flash for 30-60 seconds before proceeding, otherwise this app will error shortly after being launched. If you encounter this harmless error, power off the Wii and repeat this step from the beginning.

Using the IOS236 Installer – This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.

After waiting for the HBC to initialize the network, launch “IOS236 Installer v6 MOD”.

It should say “IOS236 installation is complete!” and return to The Homebrew Channel.
If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.

Launch WiiMod
Select “Change IOS” and press A.
Select 236 and press A.
Repeat the above instructions for installing all wads.

Part 2- Install Priiloader (brick protection, you need this)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are currently on System Menu version 3.4, or 3.1 or less, Priiloader will not work. In this case, you should immediately go back and complete the 4.1 upgrade instructions located directly above. As stated, Priiloader is important, you need it!

Normally we do not recommend installing a beta, however Priiloader is a must have for any modded Wii! Since 0.7 is not compatible with the TR motion plus remotes, we have decided to include 0.8 beta 4 for those who do not have access to an older Wii remote. If possible, we recommend installing 0.7. If you have a TR remote and do not have access to a non-TR remote, install 0.8 beta 4.
Installation instructions are the same for both versions.
How can I tell if I have a TR remote?

Originally Posted by TheInfamousTheft
– The most accurate way to identify the new controller is by connecting it to a computer.

  • An old Wii-mote Plus will read as an RVL-CNT-01 when connected.
  • The new non-homebrew working one will read as an RVL-CNT-01-TR.

– Another way is to look at the code in the battery compartment.

  • Look for a code that says LMB-RVL-WR/ (or something very similar) in small lettering.
  • If it’s followed by Z-C4, Z-C6, C-C4, or C-C6 it will not work with homebrew.
  • If none of this applies to your controller, then it will work with all types of homebrew.

– There’s currently no way to identify these controllers by looking at the box

Since the original post by TheInfamousTheft, many applications have been recompiled to work with these new remotes. All of the apps in this guide support these remotes, except Priiloader 0.7.
Original post HERE. Thanks toTheInfamousTheft for keeping us in the loop as these apps were recompiled!

You should be in the Homebrew Channel
Launch Priiloader (the first one is 0.7, the second 0.8 beta 4)
Priiloader Installer will load
Read the warning- Press +/A to install
When finished the HBC should load.
Hold reset on the wii console, keep holding reset – priiloader will load
****If the wii freezes, hold the power down for 10sec.****
****Only install priiloader once, you need to hold reset to load priiloader****

Select “System Menu Hacks”- Press A
Enable any hacks you like. We suggest-
Block Disk Updates“, “Block Online Updates“, “Remove
Diagnostic Disc Check
“, “Move Disc Channel
If you don’t know what the hack does – you don’t need it!!!
Select Save settings -Press A
Press B to go back to the main priiloader screen

Your wii should now block Disk updates and online updates, you can move the disc channel and if you like autoboot a usbloader.
NEVER UPDATE YOUR WII FROM NINTENDO– read the forum and do it yourself
Optional priiloader settings-
You can set you wii to boot the system menu, HomeBrew Channel, Priiloader, USBloader, and any other app you wish. Settings are found in priiloader, settings. Set the “autoboot” and “return to” to what you like best.
Example: Set the autoboot and return to installed file, now your wii will autoboot to your USBloader – Excellent option for those with kids.

For a detailed guide on how to use Priiloader, look HERE.

Chapter 3- The Final Step
Don’t forget to do this
Format your sd-card, one last time
Extract AP-V5.zip (App Pack v5) directly to your sd card. This contains all the apps you will need.

Boot your wii to the system menu. You will see the following channels installed (none of which will work by the way if you didn’t extract this app pack to your sd card):

USB Loader GX – This is a forwarder to Usb Loader GX r1209 which is now on your SD card. Source HERE.
CFG Loader – This is a forwarder to Configurable USB Loader MOD r51 which is now on your SD card. Source HERE.
WiiFlow – This is a forwarder to WiiFlow v4.1, a usb loader, which is now on your SD card. Source HERE.
Neogamma – This is a forwarder to Neogamma R9 Beta 56. It is primarily used to load backups from disc, however it also supports loading from SD/USB. Source HERE, WiiHacks Guide HERE.
Note Regarding Neogamma: This app is NOT compatible with the newer TR Remotes. If your Wii can play backups from disc AND you have a TR motion plus remote, we suggest the following: Prior to launching Neogamma have your TR remote as player 1 and activate a non-TR remote as player 2. In this way you can navigate the Neogamma menu with the player 2 remote. After launching a game you can use your player 1 remote without issue.
Backup HBC– You will see a channel with black water, labeled backup HBC. When you load it, HBC 1.03 is loaded. This is installed as a backup means to run homebrew should you ever need it. You should not use it unless you need to. Don’t uninstall this wad, title “MAUI”. Keep it on your wii or save it onto your sd card. You can move it to the far far right of the channel menu or back it up to your pc. You never know, someday you may need it.

We have provided you with multiple apps to load your games. The staff here at WiiHacks all have our own preferred loaders. It is our goal to give you all of these in the hopes that you will find the one (or two or three etc) that you like best.

WiiMC is a great way to turn your Wii into an all-in-one media player. This app is included in the latest app pack and can be accessed via the Homebrew Channel. If you would like to add a forwarder channel (in order to run it from the main Wii menu) download THIS and extract it directly to your sd card. Launch the Homebrew Channel and run “WiiMC Channel Installer”. Source HERE, WiiHacks Guide HERE.

Another great app included in the latest app pack is the Homebrew Browser. It allows you to download a lot of fun and useful Homebrew apps, games, and utilities. It may take a few minutes for it to load the first time you run it, as it has to download and cache a big list of homebrew apps. Be patient…it is worth it. Source HERE.

If you would like, you can move channels by holding B, then pressing A and dragging them where you wish. You can do this with the disc channel if you enabled the priiloader hack.

Now you have some useful apps on your sd-card, you are ready to play. Have fun! There are many many many more apps for you to try. All apps in this guide install to the sd-card, or optionally you can install them to your fat32 usb drive. Apps should be installed like this: sd OR usb:\apps\app name\boot.dol ,otherwise they don’t work.

Loading From Disc-
If you have a Wii purchased after mid to late 2009 it will not be able to read backup discs. Backup discs must be loaded from a disc loader, such as Neogamma. They will not work from the disc channel unless you have installed Darkcorp.

GC backups can be loaded from the disc channel without issue if your drive reads burned dvds. Be sure to burn your dvds good and propper. Burn them with ImgBurn, slowly 1-4x, set the “Layer Break” to 2084960 for dual layer games, on verbatim dvd -r. Other discs may work, but these are considered the best.
Loading From USB-
Loading from USB is the best option, and is compatible with all Wiis. It requires a compatible USB hdd. Check out our compatibility list HERE.
For USB loading you can use FAT32, NTFS, or WBFS file systems. FAT32 is what we recommend. Check out our FAT32 guide HERE.
Please note that your USB HDD must be plugged into the USB port closest to the edge of the Wii in order to work properly.

Warning: It is illegal to obtain/distribute backups of games you do not own. WiiHacks does not support or promote software piracy. Play fair.

Last edited by nightstah; 03-07-2016 at 05:42 PM. Reason: Fixed 4.1 on fserve; Added 4.1E Mirror

This is to the best of my knowlage correct but I NES am not responsable for any bricks.


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撇去浮沫后,加入笋条,与肉共同焖烧,搭配更合理。                                               因此菜老抽含盐量较高,不宜再放盐。